Twopence Inlay
      Discernible Features

About me

For the body binding I use mahogany, ebony and maple.

Planing a flat-sawn maple side (1.8 mm)
wood shavings, maple and bench plane
From top:

mahogany, ebony and maple (each 1.8 mm)
After sawing into many, many pieces, ... many, many pieces
... these are arranged, glued and clamped under not inconsiderable pressure. tremendous pressure
24 hours later, remove the clamps and plane the sides rectangular.

The block is put aside to dry thoroughly.

Meanwhile you can turn to other things.

To be continued ...
bulky but rectangular
removing excess wood

Actually the arches of top and back are within the wood, ...

... just remove the projecting material.

It starts with rough cutting the top with a wide chisel, ...
man at work
... then you carve the wood with radius planes of decreasing sizes.
rough carved top
After cutting the recurve the arch comes out.
still life: palm plane on flamed maple
The back plate is handled analogous to the carving of the top.

Sawing the width of the neck.

The leftovers will be used for a following guitar neck.
neck sawn to width
Gluing the trus rod
"Rod" in a tight spot

To reduce the weight of the neck the trus rod groove is closed with spruce.

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partly finished neck

  © 2004 by Thorsten Lietz